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Dog adoption - the best thing i have ever done

Those who follow us know already, that we have adopted a new family member.

More specifically approximately two year old (at the time of adoption) Yorkshire terrier who had went through some bad past. We do not know much details about his previous life of what happened to him. We only know, that there had been 22 of them on one pile in a dark and cold room among their excrements and in a horrible conditions when it comes to their skin and fur - as you can see on the photo bellow.

This had been his life for something like 2 years. No training, no love, no human interaction .. just fear.

Dog adoption - the best thing i have ever done

Mathew and i we always had a dog at our parent´s places and so it was just natural, that we would want to have a dog of our own.

Everybody told us to get a puppy, of course they are cute and you get to spend their entire life with them. But i started to be really concerned about animals welfare in general, their past and possible future in shelters and so it came just natural to me, that i would adopt and give love and second chance to someone.

You hear a lot of stories about abandoned, lost or tortured dogs and that is just something that breaks my heart. The lucky ones are found, rescued and end up in a dog´s shelter where there is at least warmth and food, but not all of the shelters are awesome and sadly not many people actually go to these facilities to give them a second chance.

One day i came across a picture of Falco in a Facebook group for rescues and I totally fell in love at first sight (just like with Mathew). A cuuuute yorkie with exactly the same name i wanted to give to my dog and so i simply had to have him!

I wrote to the rescue agency, we had a call, filled some papers and within a month we were able to come and pick him up. he was ours!

Now we have almost a six kilo of fluff and cuteness at home. We knew it would be hard, given his past, but we were nonetheless shocked with how afraid he was and actually still is. At first, he was afraid of his own tail (when he could finally see it), the click sound of a buckle on his harness freaked him out each time and outside scared him so much that he could not even properly relieve himself. On the other hand he learned very quickly to not have our living-room as a peeing ground, and it only took him three days.

Despite love and cozy home we still fight with his fear from the outside noises such as kids screaming, ball bouncing, too many people together and of course fireworks.

We try where we can with herbal anti-stress drops, we even tried an anti-stress collar with pheromones to calm him down and we also listen to a special calming music for dogs and of course when outside we never leave his sight.

Some might say gosh it is just a dog. For us not! For us it is a companion and a hurt soul which deserves way better.

Be so kind and help them. It is not just about dogs but also about cats. They are truly the best human friends and yet some treat them very badly. Do not close your eyes.

If you cannot adopt, at least contact some nearby shelter to ask what they need the most and send them food, blankets and others.

Let´s be kind to one another.


Vlog from a weekend with my family and Falco´s adoption


Mathew & Klara


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